Ladies 7 Best Home Remedies To Prevent Saggy Breasts And Keep Them Perfectly Perky – Forever

Every woman likes to have attractive and perfectly formed breasts. But most of the women don’t have the luck to posses that kind of breasts because of the breast sagging which is a natural process that comes with ageing. The breasts are losing their elasticity and suppleness

The process of breast sagging usually occurs in the 40s, but sometimes it occurs sooner. Other cause factors are breastfeeding, menopause, rapid weight loss, pregnancy, lack of nutrients and wearing improper bra.
Breast sagging could be also caused by other diseases like breast cancer or tuberculosis. Too much nicotine, alcohol and carbonated beverages are also causing the breast to sag.

Breasts are consisted of fat, connective tissues and glands that create milk and they require adequate care in order to maintain their shape.

1.Cucumber and Egg Yolk
This cucumber and egg yolk mask is effective solution for lifting breasts. Cucumber contains natural skin-toning properties while the egg yolk is rich in proteins and vitamins that are useful in treating breasts.

Put one cucumber in your blender and add the egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of butter or cream. You will get a thick paste. Apply this paste on your breasts and leave it to work for 30 minutes.

Wash it well with cold water.

Use this mask once a week to strengthen the tissues on your breasts.
2. Egg White
Egg white is very beneficial for treating saggy breasts since it has astringent and skin-nourishing properties. The egg white contains hydro lipids which are helpful for lifting the skin that surrounds the breasts.

Beat the egg white and apply it on your breasts. Leave it to work for 30 minutes. Wash the remedy from your breasts using a cucumber or onion juice. Then you can rinse them with cold water.

Do this process once per week and your breasts will be firmer.
3. Exercise
Everyone should do exercises for better overall health. Exercises are also helpful in preventing or treating saggy breasts. You should target the breast tissues and pectoral muscles around the chest.

Some of the exercises that should be done include chest presses and pulls, arm raises, round about push-ups, dumbbell flyes, etc.

While doing exercises you should wear supportive or sports bra.
4. Olive Oil Massage

Olive oil contains a lot of antioxidants and fatty acids. These ingredients will ease the damage caused by free radicals and prevent saggy breasts. It will also make your skin better and texture.

Rub olive oil with in your palms in order to generate heat. Apply a gentle massage on your breasts using an upward motion. Massage your breasts for 15 minutes in order to enhance the blood flow and stimulate cell repair.

Make this remedy and apply this treatment at least 4-5 times per week.

You can use other oils for this massage, including almond, argan, jojoba and avocado oil.
5. Shea Butter
Shea butter will provide you with vitamin E that will strengthen your skin and make your breasts look firmer. In addition, it will keep you safe from cell damage caused by free radicals.

Put some Shea butter on your breasts. Rub it in upward and rounded motion for 10-15 minutes. Leave it to work for 10 minutes and then you can wash it off with lukewarm water.

Do this process 3-4 times per week and you will have positive results.
6. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is rich in antioxidants that will prevent damage caused by free radicals and make your breasts firmer.

Put Aloe Vera on your breasts and perform a gentle massage in rounded motion for 10 minutes. Leave it to work for 10 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Implement this process 4-5 times per week in order to get positive results.

You can also prepare a mixture with 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel, 1 teaspoon of mayonnaise and 1 teaspoon of honey. Treat your breasts with this mixture and leave it to work for 15 minutes. Rinse it with warm water and then with cold water. Implement this process once a week.
7. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is powerful fruit that is considered as anti-aging food. It will prevent your breasts from sagging. Pomegranate seed oil is loaded with phyto-nutrients that will make your breasts stronger.

Make a paste from pomegranate skin and warm mustard oil. Implement a massage on your breasts in rounded motion with this paste for 5-10 minutes. This treatment should be done every night before sleeping.

You can apply pomegranate seed oil on your breasts and massage them gently 2-3 times a day.

Another remedy you can apply is the mixture prepare of 4 teaspoons of neem oil with 1 teaspoon of dried and powdered pomegranate rind. Heat the mixture and then leave it to cool down. Massage your breasts with this mixture twice a day for a few weeks. You will soon have positive results.

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