If you’ve ever been disillusioned into thinking that there’s nothing you can do to prevent premature ejaculation, then hopefully this article will change your mind.
The truth is that there are many ways to prevent premature ejaculation, and being able to last longer in bed is something that lies within your control.

So let me go ahead and share with you 5 powerful strategies for preventing premature ejaculation and lasting longer in bed:
1 – Take Some Deep Breaths
A lot of men when it comes to sex can get very nervous and fearful of premature ejaculation. As a result, they get all tense, sweaty and start taking lots of short, sharp and shallow breaths.
Unfortunately, this is a great recipe for premature ejaculation. So next time you find your nerves kicking in, take 10 slow deep breaths and just watch how you suddenly become a lot more relaxed and last longer too.
2 – Become James Bond
Another way to get rid of your nerves and prevent premature ejaculation is to change your thoughts. If you’re constantly worrying about how bad it’s going to be if you orgasm too soon then you’re bound to make yourself nervous and actually end up making it happen.
On the other hand, if you spend your time thinking like James Bond would think, i.e. seeing yourself in control, just enjoying the moment and not stressing about anything, then you’ll have no nerves to encourage premature ejaculation.
3 – Urinate Before Sex
This is a dead simple way to prevent premature ejaculation, but it’s one that men forget about time and time again. Don’t be like most other men.
Remember to go to the bathroom before having sex. By doing this you take the pressure off your genitals and lasting longer will come naturally.
4 – Stroke The Roof Of Your Mouth With Your Tongue
OK, I know what you’re thinking. This one is a bit “out there”, but at the end of the day this technique works.
By stroking the roof of your mouth you’ll find that by putting all your attention into doing this weird thing you distract yourself from all the pleasure in your genitals.
This distraction is a great way of getting your control back in the bedroom and lasting longer.
5 – Go For A Second Round
If all else fails, just go for a second round. Women care a lot less than you probably think about premature ejaculation. And this is especially true if you take the time to come back for a second round when you can really pleasure her.
So if you ejaculate early don’t worry about it too much. You can always just learn from your mistakes and go for a second round… I’m sure she’ll thank you for it.
So there are 5 ways to prevent premature ejaculation, use them wisely.

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